How much more intense is a 90 db hair dryer than 60 db street traffic?

1 Answer
Apr 18, 2018

#"90 dB"# is thousand times more intense than #"60 dB"#


Decibel level and intensity are related as

#"dB" = 10 log("I"/"I"_0)#


  • #"I ="# Intensity of sound
  • #"I"_0 =# Threshold intensity of least audible sound a human can hear

#"dB"_1 = 10log("I"_1/"I"_0)#

#"dB"_2 = 10log("I"_2/"I"_0)#

Subtract second equation from first

#"dB"_1 - "dB"_2 = 10log("I"_1/"I"_0) - 10log("I"_2/"I"_0)#

#"dB"_1 - "dB"_2 = 10log("I"_1/"I"_2)#

#log("I"_1/"I"_2) = ("dB"_1 - "dB"_2)/10#

#color(blue)("I"_1/"I"_2 = 10^(("dB"_1 - "dB"_2)/10))#

Plug in the values

#"I"_1/"I"_2 = 10^((90 - 60)/10) = 10^(30/10) = 10^3#

#∴ "I"_1 = "1000 I"_2#