How to express 0.2545454... as a fraction in it's simplest form?

2 Answers
Mar 23, 2018






Mar 23, 2018

#0.2bar(54) = 14/55#


A common notation to indicate the repeating part of a decimal representation is a viniculum - a bar placed above the group of digits that repeat.

So we can write #0.2545454...# as #0.2bar(54)#

To find an equivalent fraction, first multiply by an integer that will give an integer product.

A suitable multiplier is #10(100-1)#. The first factor #10# shifts the number one place to the left so that the repeating part starts just after the decimal point. Then the #100# shifts a further two places to the left - the length of the repeating pattern. Then the #-1# subtracts the unshifted number to cause the tail to be cancelled out...

#10(100-1)0.2bar(54) = (100-1) = - = 252#

Then divide both ends by #10(100-1)# to find:

#0.2bar(54) = 252/(10(100-1)) = 252/990 = (14 * color(red)(cancel(color(black)(18))))/(55 * color(red)(cancel(color(black)(18)))) = 14/55#