How would I balance H2O2 ---> O2 as an oxidation reaction?

The reduction part of the reaction is: 8H^+: + MnO4^- + 6e- ----> Mn^2+ + 4H2O

1 Answer
Jun 27, 2018

Well, simply assign oxidation numbers....


We gots…


As always, the oxidation number is the charge left on the atom of interest when the TWO electrons that constitute the atom-atom bond are BROKEN with the charge assigned to the most electronegative atom... And when we do this for #H_2O# we gets...#2xxH(+I) + O(-II)#; when we do this for #F_2O# we gets...#2xxF(-I) + O(+II)#; for #HNO_3# we gets #3xxO(-II) + H(+I)+N(+V)#. Now of course this is a FORMALISM, a useful fiction, but this is a very useful fiction when we use the oxidation states to balance chemical equations...

But when we do this for an element-element bond, the two atoms are of equal electronegativity...and so #HO-OH# gives NEUTRAL #2xxdotOH#...i.e. a FORMAL #O(-I)# oxidation state. Do you follow?

And so reduction half equation...

#underbrace(MnO_4^(-)+8H^+ +5e^(-) rarr Mn^(2+) + 4H_2O(l))_"deep-red to colourless"# #(i)#

Oxidation half equation...

#H_2O_2 rarr O_2 + 2H^+ + 2e^(-)# #(ii)#

And so we add #2xx(i) + 5xx(ii)# to retire the electrons, virtual particles of convenience...

#2MnO_4^(-)+16H^+ +10e^(-) +5H_2O_2rarr 2Mn^(2+) + 8H_2O(l)+5O_2 + 10H^+ + 10e^(-)#

And after cancellation we gets...

#2MnO_4^(-)+6H^+ +5H_2O_2rarr 2Mn^(2+) + 8H_2O(l)+5O_2 uarr#

Is this balanced with respect to mass and charge? Don't trust my 'rithmetic...