I have blood type Op. What does this mean?

1 Answer
Jun 8, 2017

It means that you have O positive blood group, classified as Universal Donor.


There are different facets to the fact that you are blood type O+ (or O positive).

  1. Your blood cells do not have antigenic markers A or B.

  2. Your blood cells possess the antigenic marker D (the Rh antigen)

  3. Your blood plasma would have antibodies against A or B.

  4. As Universal Donor, you can donate blood to anyone in need of a transfusion.

  5. If you need blood, you can receive blood only from another person with O group (or else, your blood will react against the received blood)

  6. You are one of the largest groups among the blood types (around 47% of the population is blood group O+)