If a driver had 6 unpaid parking tickets and must pay $15 per ticket, what is the change in the driver's bank account after paying the fines?

1 Answer
Nov 24, 2016

#- $90 larr" negative value"#


#color(blue)("Answering the question")#

#color(green)("6 of tickets")#

but each ticket is worth $15 so we have

#color(green)(6" of "$15)color(brown)(" " ->" " 6xx$15 =$90)#

We now know the quantity but this has to be expressed as a change.

The funds in the account reduce so the change is negative in that the funds are now:

#"Original sum" - $90#

So the change is #-$90.00#
#color(blue)("Trick for multiplying by 15")#

15 is the same as 10 + 5

but 5 is half of ten

So multiply in such a way that you have



Multiply everything inside the bracket by 6

#6xx(10" "+" "color(red)(5)) #

#(6xx10)" " +" "(6xxcolor(red)(10/2))#

#(6xx10)" " +" "((6xxcolor(red)(10))/(color(red)(2)))#

#" "60" "+" "30" "=" "90#