In our class, our class teacher gave us a project to complete in 15 days. If the teacher assigned 4 consecutive projects, how many days will you have to complete the projects?

1 Answer
Jul 13, 2016

Decided that I had originally interpreted the question incorrectly. Now updated to: Total time for 4 projects is 60 days


The question states: "#color(red)("a project")# to complete in 15 days"

a is 'singular' so one project is allowed 15 days

The wording "4 consecutive projects" means we have

4 lots of 1 projetct
4 lots of 15 days #->color(white)("d")ubrace(4)color(white)("d")xx15#

same as #color(white)("dddddd")->2xxubrace(2xx15)#
