In which region of the world is the minimum annual range of temperature seen?

1 Answer
Jun 26, 2018

The tropics near the equator , near an ocean , where there is a high degree of humidity.


  1. Because of the tilt of the earth regions near the equator called the tropics have less variation in the amount of sunlight received during the various months of the year.

  2. Oceans act as moderating influences on temperature. Areas near an ocean receive a cooling effect from the ocean in the summer and a warming effect from the ocean in the winter. The ocean acts a temperature reserve reducing variations in the temperatures of the surrounding land areas.

  3. humidity is water moisture in the air. The water in the air like the water in the ocean holds heat. In the desert where there is little humidity the temperature can be over 100 in the day and drop to below freezing at night. In the tropics where the humidity is high it can be hard to sleep at night because the humidity holds the heat from the day, so the temperature does not cool off at night.