Let #A# be an #n × n# matrix. Show #A# equals the sum of a symmetric and a skew symmetric matrix ?

(#M# is skew symmetric if #M = −M^T#. #M# is symmetric if #M^T = M#.)

Hint: Show that #1/2(A^T + A)# is symmetric and then consider using this as one of the matrices.

1 Answer
Feb 27, 2018

See explanation...


Given an #n xx n# matrix #A#, let:

#{ (B = 1/2(A + A^T)), (C = 1/2(A - A^T)) :}#


#B + C = 1/2(A + A^T) + 1/2(A-A^T) = A#

#b_(ij) = b_(ji) = 1/2(a_(ij)+a_(ji))#

#c_(ij) = 1/2(a_(ij)-a_(ji)) = -1/2(a_(ji)-a_(ij)) = -c_(ji)#

So #B# is symmetric and #C# is skew symmetric.