Maggie buys 1 and 1/4 pounds of walnuts,6 ounces of almonds,and 5/8 pounds of cashews,How many ounces are there in all?

1 Answer
Feb 21, 2018

See a solution process below:


We can use the conversion factor below to solve this problem:

#1" lb" = 16" oz"#

The Walnuts Weigh:

#1 1/4 xx 1" lb" = 1 1/4 xx 16" oz"#

#1 1/4" lb" = (4/4 xx 1) + 1/4) xx 16" oz"#

#1 1/4" lb" = (4/4 + 1/4) xx 16" oz"#

#1 1/4" lb" = 5/4 xx 16" oz"#

#1 1/4" lb" = 5/color(red)(cancel(color(black)(4))) xx color(red)(cancel(color(black)(16)))4" oz"#

#1 1/4" lb" = 20" oz"#

The Almonds Weigh:

#6" oz"#

The Cashews Weigh:

#5/8 xx 1" lb" = 5/8 xx 16" oz"#

#5/8" lb" = 5/color(red)(cancel(color(black)(8))) xx color(red)(cancel(color(black)(16)))2" oz"#

#5/8" lb" = 10" oz"#

We can sum these together giving the total weight as:

#20" oz" + 6" oz" + 10" oz" = 36" oz"#