Mole conversions: 1) How many g Ne are in 1.44*10^24 atoms Ne?

1 Answer
Apr 15, 2018

Around #48.3# grams of neon.


We first convert to moles of neon atoms. One mole of neon atoms contains #6.02*10^23# neon atoms.

And so,

#(1.44*10^24color(red)cancelcolor(black)(Ne \ "atoms"))/(6.02*10^23color(red)cancelcolor(black)(Ne \ "atoms")"/mol")=2.39202657807 \ "mol"#

I would not round off yet until the final answer.

Now, we multiply by neon's molar mass to get the amount in grams.

Neon has a molar mass of #20.1797 \ "g/mol"#.

So here, we get:

#2.39202657807color(red)cancelcolor(black)"mol"*(20.1797 \ "g")/(color(red)cancelcolor(black)"mol")~~48.3 \ "g"#