My mom told me when I was born I was the only baby in the nursery whose stomach was moving up and down like crazy and I was breathing from my belly. What does this mean?

1 Answer
Aug 17, 2016

Breathing from your belly is completely normal. In fact, all mammals do this.


Diaphragmatic breathing, also known as belly breathing and known scientifically as eupnea, is breathing that is done by contracting the diaphragm. During the type of breathing, the air enters the lungs and the belly expands.

Nothing was wrong with you when you were breathing from your belly. In fact, diaphragmatic breathing is a natural from of breathing in all mammals and occurs when a mammal is in a state of relaxation.

Diaphragmatic breathing can even be very beneficial. It helps relieve stress, which can cause headaches, depression, anxiety, and more. Diaphragmatic breathing is also beneficial when meditating and is said to produce the best singing. To go further, cardiopulmonary disease patients use diaphragmatic breathing to improve posture, cardiorespiratory fitness, and respiratory muscle strength.