The average of #x# and #y# is #5# and the average #x, y,# and #z# is #8#. What is the value of #z#?

1 Answer
May 2, 2016



The average of a set of values is given by:

#m = sum_i^N x_i/N#

Where the #x_i#'s are the individual values, and there are #N# such values. Of course, this is much easier to see for the specific example of our question where we have for the first average:


the second average contains three values:

#m_2 = 8 = (x+y+z)/3#

If we take the equation for the first average, we can multiply both sides by 2 to obtain:


which we can then substitute into the equation for the second average:


which can be solved for #z# giving
