The average temperature in Fairbanks,alask, was -4 one day and 6 the next day. find the difference of the temperatures?


1 Answer
Apr 25, 2018

#10# degrees


The easiest way to think about this problem would be to use a number line. Imagine it as a thermometer measuring the temperature:

enter image source here

They say that the temperature starts at #-4#, so I'll go ahead and mark that:
enter image source here

And they temperature rises all the way to #6#, so I'll mark that in blue:
enter image source here

Now you can see that the temperature rose quite a bit! The easiest way to count how much it rose is to count the number of lines between #-4# and #6#.

Start by putting your finger on the #-4# line, and count all the way up to the #6# line. You should have moved #10# degrees.

So the difference between the temperature of #-4# and #6# is #10# degrees.