The exterior of a refrigerator is shaped like a rectangular prism, and measures #2 2/3# feet wide by #5 1/2# feet high by #2 1/2# feet deep. What amount of space does the refrigerator take up?

1 Answer
Feb 12, 2018

#36 2/3# cube feet


a rectangular prism is a cuboid.

volume of a cuboid = length * width * depth

or, in this case, volume is width * height * depth.

all measurements have the same unit, so nothing needs to be converted into other units.

to make calculation easier, it may be worth converting mixed numbers into fractions:

#2 2/3 = 6/3 + 2/3 = 8/3#

#5 1/2 = 10/2 + 1/2 = 11/2#

#2 1/2 = 4/2 + 1/2 = 5/2#

#8/3 * 11/2 * 5/2 = (8*11*5)/(3*2*2)#

#= 440/12#

#440/12 = 110/3#

#110/3 = 36 2/3#

the volume of the cuboid is #36 2/3# cube feet.

the space taken by the rectangular prism (the refrigerator) is #36 2/3# cube feet.