The ____________ , organelles that synthesize ATP, and the ____________ , organelles that synthesize glucose sugar, were thought to have evolved from ____________ ?

1 Answer
May 13, 2018

The mitochondria : The chloroplasts : endosymbiosis


the mitochondria have their own membrane separating the interior of the mitochondria from the interior of cytoplasm. Inside the mitochondria Hydrogen ions derived from the metabolism of Glucose sugar is combined with Oxygen to produce ATP and water.

Chloroplasts in plant cells also have their own membrane separating the chloroplast from the rest of the cytoplasm. Inside the Chloroplast the complex Citrus Cycle using the energy from captured photons converts Carbon Dioxide and Water into Glucose sugar.

How these complex process could have come about by random changes in the DNA of a cell is a mystery. Mathematically it is totally impossible. A solution to the mystery is the theory of endosymbiosis. The theory is that somehow a cell absorbed another cell. (or cells as plant cells need both chloroplasts and mitochondria to survive) The absorbed cell had the already developed the chemical processes of glucose production and/or ATP synthesis.

The endosymbiotic theory explains how modern cells can have separate organelles that produce ATP and glucose. It does not explain how those processes were developed in the earlier "primitive " cells that were absorbed into the modern cell.