The U.S.-led response to the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2011, resulted in?

2 Answers
Apr 24, 2018

Wars in the Middle East


The wars in both Afghanistan in 2001 and in Iraq in 2003 were the consequences of the attacks they were justified by the so-called "war on terror" that Bush launched in order to get rid of Al Qaeda. This war proved a failure and cost a lost both in lives and in money, the organization created originally by the CIA and the Carter Administration in 1979 to counteract the Soviet invasion in Afghanistan was never completely defeated.

Chaos in Iraq eventually led to the emergence of ISIS which the Obama admnisitration was unable if not unwilling, to truly counteract and the Middle East was made even more unstable than under Bush.

Apr 26, 2018

The ongoing war in Afaganistan


The US believed that the radical Islamic Taliban government of Afghanistan had provided sanctuary and support of the Al-Qaeda terrorist organizations that had launched the attacks of Sept 11 2001.

As a result the US aided the opposition forces to the Talban. This lead to substantial US involvement in what had been a Civil War in Afghanistan. The continued presence of foreign US troops ironically led to increased support of the radical Taliban forces and a weakening of the opposition forces that the US entered the war to assist in driving out the Talibans.

The Talibans has been supported by groups with Pakistan. The war on terror has led to increased tension between the US and the Pakistan as well as other Muslim nations.