Three friends A, B and C are in the same class. A had 3 sandwiches and B had 5 sandwiches of the same size. All three shared the 8 sandwiches equally. C gave Rs 80 to A and B for his share, which they divided equally between the two. Ration of A:B ??

1 Answer

"Sandwich ratio" #=>3:5#
"Consumption ratio" #=>1:1:1#
"Reimbursement ratio" #=>1:1#


Ok - the question is a bit confusing but I think I've got it.

There are three ratios operating here.

The first is the "sandwich ratio", which is #3:5# - for every 3 sandwiches A provided, B provided 5.

The second ratio is the "consumption ratio". We're told the boys shared the sandwiches equally, and so that ratio, if we include C, is #8/3:8/3:8/3=>1:1:1#

The last ratio is the "reimbursement ratio", which is #1:1#. We can say it's #1:1# because we're told that C paid 80 Rs for his share of the food and A and B divided that amount equally, giving:


I'm not sure which ratio is being asked about as a final answer, and so I'll give all 3.