What are Neonazis? What do they support?

1 Answer
Jan 9, 2017

A particular type of Neo-fascist. A right wing authoritarian political movement that uses the symbols of the former Nazi regime in Germany and puts forward policies like that regime.


This political movement often uses swastika symbols and flags like that former German National flag created by Hitler. This should not be confused with the swastika symbols that is commonly used by the Hindu, Buddhist and Jain religions. Other Nazi symbols are popular like straight arm salutes, Nazi uniforms and weaponry. The theatricality of the Nuremberg rallies is appealing.

This type of political movement promotes white, Aryan people and would oppress or kill other races if given the opportunity. They are particularly anti Jewish. It is also authoritarian and promotes a male dominated social order. Woman are to stay at home and create babies. The Nazis created a very detailed and precise definition of racial purity and social order which can be appealing if you fit into it.

Hitler's book Mien Kampf (my struggle) by Adolf Hitler is popular to have around and may actually have been read. It is by no means a clear blue print to government.