What are the personal pronouns in the following sentence?: If you want to speak to them, please check with me first.

1 Answer
Jun 14, 2018



Personal pronouns stand in place of a person's name. Let's think about this for a second:

If my name is Bill and I want someone to check with me first, it wouldn't make sense for me, Bill to say

"...please check with #color(blue)(Bill)# first."

In the above example, I would be talking in third person. It would be grammatically correct for me to say

"...please check with #color(blue)(me)# first." as our sentence says. Notice, "me" is replacing "Bill". This is why it is a personal pronoun.

"You" is also a personal pronoun, because it can stand in place of a person's name. To make this idea concrete, consider the following sentence:

"If Dave wants to speak with them, have him check with me first."

Suddenly, Dave is the subject of this sentence. However, our original sentence contains the personal pronoun "you". We know "you" is referring to a person. This is what makes it a personal pronoun.

Hope this helps!