What determine physical and mental traits? Genetics or environment?

2 Answers
May 21, 2018



Our body adapts its traits from what it inherits basically and what is necessary in accordance with the environment it lives in. When we are born we have a definite code of genes present inside us.

These genes or the so called "building blocks" of an organism have a vital role in evolution, adaptation and synthesis of information within the body. In short, they are a program code according to which our body functions thus they have a very important role in determining our traits be it physical or mental.

We may take the example of computers, for a moment let us assume that computers are organisms and function like humans, so the coded information in computers may be referred as genetic information as in humans. Now, do computers violate these rules? No, absolutely not ! But instead they function around them and this determines their traits. In a simple language, a supercomputer is versatile and fast because it is coded so and same is the case with humans, we only function around our genetic information.

The question that arises here is that if we function according to our genes, then how does environment affect our traits? Well, you may notice that the climatic condition of your area is more comfortable for you than the other. How do you explain this? Is it because of the coded genes or is it something else?

To explain this I will again take computers as an object. Now, while comparing humans and computers you may argue that a computer functions as it is no matter where it is kept. The basic difference between us and computers is that our genes are very complex and are created for the purpose of our survival as well as processing information, but codes in a computer are not meant for the purpose of survival but for processing of information.

You may feel I am going off the topic but the connection between genetic codes for survival and environment is that the environmental factors such as climate affect the way our genes process the information. In short, people living in Siberian areas have adapted to cold regions and may feel uncomfortable in deserts.

Therefore, in conclusion, environment affects our adaptability, which affects the way information is processed in our genes, which influences our thinking and working capacity.

After all, humans are continuously evolving beings!

May 22, 2018



Mental traits like IQ are influenced by both genetics and environment.

At one time scientists thought that IQ was fixed at birth and determined only by the complex information code found in the DNA. Today Scientists know that IQ ( the ability to learn and process information) can be increases or diminished by environmental factors.

Genes definitely place a role in IQ and the mental processing of the brain. Children often reflect the mental abilities of their parents. It is not unusual for highly intelligent parents to have highly intelligent children. Artistic and musical talents appear to be to some degree inherited traits.

Environment also plays a role. Children growing up in a musical family will be influenced by the early exposure to music. This will increase their chances of developing the traits of musical talent later in life. Studies have show that playing challenging games like chess, learning to play a musical instrument and learning a second language actually increase a child's IQ. Developing dexterity with both hands stimulates both parts of the brain and also increases scores on intelligence tests.

To some degree mental ability is determined by IQ inherited at birth but mental ability can also be changed by environmental factors.