What did president rossevelt do to try to counter the effects of the great depression?

1 Answer
Mar 19, 2017

In order to counter the effects of the Great Depression, President Roosevelt legislated the New Deal.


When FDR (Roosevelt) became president, he thought that the government needed to intervene in order to end the depression. Over the next eight years of his presidency, FDR enacted a series of government programs intended to restore American pride and prosperity.

These laws were collectively known as the New Deal, which permanently changed the relationship between the government and the American people.

The New Deal had many programs. Here is a list of some of the programs and the acronyms, dates, and purposes that went along with them. ![https://useruploads.socratic.org/EV1xc3fTUGKbtMsGJpjD_new_deal_programs_list.jpg)
The New Deal greatly alleviated the depression and gave jobs to many Americans. However, some critics argue that it made Americans too dependent on the government. Although these claims are understandable, FDR's New Deal got many Americans back on their feet and it alleviated, if not ended, the Great Depression.

Hope this helps!