What did the outcome of World War I cause in the Middle East, India, Africa, and Southeast Asia?

1 Answer
Jul 25, 2016

Continued colonialism, sometimes under different masters.


With the dissolution of the Ottoman, Austro-Hungarian, German and Russian Empires many territories became independent or colonies of the victors.

The Arabian Peninsula was taken by the House of Saud. Syria, Jordan, Lebanon, Palestine, Iraq and Iran were created as client states to France and Britain. Greece tried to rule Turkey and failed. Turkey became independent eventually.

The German colonies in Africa were divided between France, Belgium and Britain.

Japan tried to get possession of the German Colony in China but failed. It was returned to China.

Japan tried to get possession of German Papua New Guinea

Indian soldiers fought for the British in the expectation that the they would earn independence. This did not happen.

There was a number of islamic revolts in North Africa financed by The Central Powers. The French Colony of Upper Volta was Created as a result.