What did the Suez crisis show about power in the Cold War?

1 Answer
Jun 20, 2016

It showed that power had shifted from the old imperial powers to the new superpowers, in this case the USA.


The secret agreement between Britain, France and Israel to seize control of the Suez Canal proved a disaster particularly for Britain and France.

The canal had been nationalised under Nasser and taken from British and French control. The plan was that Israel would seize Sinai and the British and French would use this as a pretext to send in military forces and regain control of the canal.

The plan was a disaster. The US government under Eisenhower was furious. He forced a humiliating retreat by refusing to support a run on the pound unless the British pulled out.

There was also widespread domestic as well as international condemnation. Eden the PM, had to resign largely in disgrace.

It showed that the pre-war imperialist world had gone and that it was the superpowers who could now shape international policy.