What do Boyle's law and Charles's law have in common? How are they different?

1 Answer
Nov 2, 2016

Both refer to the behaviour of gases


Boyle's Law tells us that for an ideal gas, at a constant temperature, volume is proportional to pressure. So doubling the volume, halves the pressure, providing temperature is kept the same.

Charles' Law tells us that for an ideal gas, at constant pressure, volume is proportional to temperature (where temperature is in degrees Kelvin). Thus doubling the volume, doubles the temperature, providing pressure is kept the same.

The two laws are connected by the Ideal Gas Law, which is PV = nRT, where P = pressure (pascals), V = volume (cubic metres), n = number of moles, R = the ideal (or universal) gas constant (equal to the product of the Boltzmann constant and the Avogadro constant) and T = temperature (degrees K).