What does Boyle's law state about the pressure of a gas?

1 Answer
Apr 23, 2017

The pressure of a gas is inversely proportional to the volume of a gas.


Boyle's law can be written as

# P = 1/V#

If the amount of molecules of gas remains constant and the temperature remains constant then Boyle's law works at relatively normal temperatures and pressures.

Take a syringe. place your finger over the end so that no gas can escape. ( keeping the number of molecules constant) Push the plunger of the syringe from 10ml to 5 ml The pressure on your finger should greatly increase. Now try to push the syringe all the way to zero. As the volume decreases the pressure increases.

Remove the finger and push the syringe all the way to zero, Replace the finger and pull the plunder out increasing the volume. Let go and the air pressure outside of the syringe will push the plunger back to zero.

These simple experiments illustrate Boyle's Law that as volume decreases pressure increases. and as pressure increases volume decreases. or as pressure decreases, volume increases