What event was known as the "shot heard around the world?"

1 Answer
Jun 18, 2017

the battles between the American colonists and the British regulars at Lexington and Concord.


This line comes from a poem written in 1837 by Ralph Waldo Emmerson, entitled the Concord Hymn.

The poem honors the volunteer militia that stood up for independent democracy rule again British rule. Their sacrifice created a " world wide" desire for more freedom and local control.
By 1837 the French Revolution had created democracy in France, and Haiti. Most of the Central and South American nations had thrown off Spanish rule and created democracy governments.
The battles for independence at Lexington and Concord had wide spread effects on the world.

No one knows who fired the first shots at Lexington. Each side blames the other. But that shot started the war for freedom in America, that had influences all over the world.