What factors led to Reagan's victory in 1980?

1 Answer
Oct 28, 2017

The ideas of the Left regarding the economy had been discredited


After the 1973 oil shock and the start of a new crisis in the whole western world. The Democrats defended the same ideas that led the USA into the crisis. Stagflation(combination of inflation and unemployment) proved that Keynesian economics were wrong. A new trend was born in the Seventies in terms of economics. Keynesian economics were dominant in the postwar era but neoliberal ideas triumphed after 1973. Hayek was awarded the Nobel Prize in economics in 1974 and Milton was honored similarly in 1976.

Reagan wanted to roll back the state and is remembered for his phrase "Government is not the solution, Government is the problem". His ideas seemed much more adapted to the ongoing crisis. His success was so big that the Eighties were nicknamed the "Conservative Revolution". His victory was even bigger in 1984. The Left had promoted government intervention in the economy and its discredit benefitted Reagan more than anything.

Carter's foreign policy was also disatrous, it led to the Hostage Crisis after the Iranian Revolution in 1979, the USA underwent international humiliaton. The War in Afghanistan was organized to weaken the Soviet Union and the US government created Al Qaeda as an antisoviet resistance group. Zbiginew Brzezinskiwas the national advisor behind those schemes.

Reagan's promise to make America Great Again( the same slogan than Donald Trump 36 years later)convinced a overwhelming majority, he carried over 44 states in the 1980 presidential election.