What geological process occurs at transform fault boondaries? Divergent boundaries? Convergent boundaries?

1 Answer
Sep 13, 2017

transform fault earthquakes
Divergent boundaries shield volcanos and rift valleys.
Convergent boundaries subduction zones, mountain building.


Transform faults occur where two plates are pushing against each other at a close to a 180 degree angle. This pushing creates frequent and severe earthquakes, like the famous San Francisco earthquake.

Divergent boundaries occur where two plates are being pushed apart as new crust and magma comes to the surface. These boundaries produce shield type volcanos that spew out ballistic lava. Examples are the mid ocean ridges and Icelandic volcanoes.
Also because the plates are moving in opposite directions new crust is formed between the two plates. An example is the rift valley of East Africa.

Convergent boundaries occur where two plates are being pushed together. The most common convergent boundary is where an ocean plate is being pushed under a continental plate. An example is the Pacific Coast of South America. The resulting subduction zone creates a deep ocean trench and mountains. As the Ocean plate is pushed under the continental plate the sedimentary layers are melted creating volcanos. The continental plate is pushed upward creating mountains like the Andes.