What is #1,840.5072 -: 23.56#?

1 Answer
May 10, 2016

Long divide to find:

#1840.5072 -: 23.56 = 78.12#


First let's multiply both the dividend and the divisor by #100# to make the divisor into an integer:

#1840.5072 -: 23.56 = 184050.72 -: 2356#

When long dividing, it is often helpful to write out multiples of the divisor first as a handy reference:

#1 - color(white)(0)2356#
#2 - color(white)(0)4712#
#3 - color(white)(0)7068#
#4 - color(white)(0)9424#
#5 - 11780#
#6 - 14136#
#7 - 16492#
#8 - 18848#
#9 - 21204#

enter image source here

So long dividing #184050.72# by #2356# we get a quotient #78.12# with no remainder.