In order to add or subtract fractions, they must have the same denominator. We can determine the least common denominator (LCD) by listing the multiples of each denominator, and finding the lowest multiple they have in common.
7: 7,14,21,color(red)28,35,42...
4: 4,8,12,16,20,24,color(red)28...
The LCD is 28.
Multiply each fraction by a fractional form of 1, such as 3/3, that will give each fraction the denominator 28. This will change the numbers, but not the value of each fraction.
Since 41 is a prime number, the fraction cannot be reduced. However, we can convert it to a mixed number: a b/c.
Divide 41 by 28 using long division to get a whole number quotient and a remainder. The whole number quotient is the whole number in the mixed number, the remainder is the numerator, and the divisor (28) is the denominator.
41-:28="1 remainder 13"
41/28=1 13/28