What is #6324 -: 53#?
1 Answer
To do a full long division, it is often helpful to write out the multiples of your divisor (in this case
#1 - color(white)(0)53#
#2 - 106#
#3 - 159#
#4 - 212#
#5 - 265#
#6 - 318#
#7 - 371#
#8 - 424#
#9 - 477#
If we stop the division before bringing down the first digit after the decimal point then the remainder is
#6324/53 = 119 17/53#
or to put it another way:
#6324/53 = 119# with remainder#17#
If we carry on with the long division, using our handy look up table of multiples of
#6324 = 119.320754716981132075471698113207547169811...#