What is an organism that breaks down dead organisms and wastes to live and grow?

2 Answers

Micro-organisms decompose the dead and decaying organic matters.


Micro-organisms decompose the dead and decaying organic matters.
The microbes converted the hazardous organic matters into useful compounds.
It is a natural process, known as biodegradation. The bacteria, fungi etc., break down complex pollutants into simpler substances.

Nov 22, 2016

Decomposers are organisms that grow by breaking down dead organisms and wastes.


Decomposers are vital organisms that grow by breaking down dead and decaying matter.

Some of these are scavengers - macro-organisms that feed on dead or decaying matter, e.g. flies, cockroaches, earthworms.

Others are decomposers, generally microscopic bacteria and fungi, that break down wastes. These are also called saprophytes and play an important role in returning nutrients to the soil from dead and decaying matter.