What is congenital varicella syndrome?

1 Answer
May 26, 2017

Congenital varicella syndrome (CVS) is a condition that occurs in the fetus, because the mother had had an attack of chickenpox, in the early part of her pregnancy.


CVS is an extremely rare disorder in which affected infants have distinctive abnormalities at birth, due to mothers infection with chicken pox during early pregnancy.

The new born babies suffer wide ranging noticeable abnormalities, which are apparent at birth. In many cases new borns with CVS may be abnormally small and have a low birth weight due to abnormal growth delays during fetal development. The characteristic symptoms consist of skin lesions in dermatomal distribution, neurological defects, eye diseases and skeletal anamolies. These include skin abnormalities in the arms and legs, defects affecting the eyes, brain, nervous system or any other body part.