What is #root(3)512#?

1 Answer
Jan 26, 2016



I will teach you the method to find cube root for a perfect cube
For that you must know the cubes of numbers up to 10:-
Cubes up to 10


Method to find cube root easily:
Take any perfect cube to find its cube root

Take the last three digits of the number #2ul197#
The last digit is #3# So,remember the number #3# till end

Take the number's last three digits( #2ul197#)Here it is #2#
Take #2# and see in between which #2# cubes from #1-10# does #2# fit in
It is #1# and #2#.Now take the least cube root of the two numbers
#(1 and 2)#Here it is #1#.Remember the number #1#.

The first number we got was #3#.Put it at the last.
The second number we got was #1#.Put it at first.
We get the number #13#.So,#13# is the cube root of #2197#

Note:If the number doesn't contain any number before its last three digits,The cube root of that number is a cube root between #1# #and# #10#.
This also happens for #512#.So,we get the answer of #8# which is between #1# and #10#.