What is stage 3 cirrhosis of the liver?

1 Answer
Mar 21, 2016

Stage 3 cirrhosis of liver is "Cirrhosis with ascites, with or without esophageal varices".


Cirrhosis of liver is a chronic diffuse liver disease characterized by destruction of liver cells with fibrosis, distortion of normal liver architecture and nodular regeneration due to proliferation of surviving hepatocytes. It is irreversible liver damage. Histologically, there is loss of normal liver architecture with fibrosis and nodular regeneration.

There are four stages of liver cirrhosis, the following chart shows illustrates the stages :


In the stage three of liver cirrhosis the patient has ascites (excessive fluid in peritoneal cavity) with the cirrhosis (fibrosis) of liver. S/he may or may not have esophageal varices.

Pictures of ascites of stage 3 liver cirrhosis :
