What is the 217th digit after the decimal point in the repeating decimal 0.3456?

1 Answer
Apr 5, 2017





Notice that for any non-negative integer #n#, we have:

  • The #4n+1#st digit after the decimal point is #3#
  • The #4n+2#nd digit after the decimal point is #4#
  • The #4n+3#rd digit after the decimal point is #5#
  • The #4n+4#th digit after the decimal point is #6#

Note also that:

#217/4 = 54" "# with remainder #1#

That is:

#217 = 4*54+1#

So the #217#th digit after the decimal point is one of the #4n+1#st digits (with #n=54#) and must be #3#.