What is the central latitudinal line called? What is the central longitudinal line called?
1 Answer
Sep 4, 2016
Equator, Prime Meridian
In order to make navigation of the Earth easier, there is a map system of coordinates overlaid the globe consisting of grid lines. The lines run in two directions - from pole to pole (lines of longitude) and lines that run at 90 degrees to them (lines of latitude).
The most famous of these grid lines is the central latitudinal line, known as the Equator.
The central longitudinal line is the Prime Meridian , which is 0 degrees longitude and runs through Greenwich, England. (Note that this is only forms a half circle around the Earth unlike the Equator which is a full circle. If you were to form a complete circle using the Prime Meridian, it'd connect to the Antimeridian at 180 degrees.)