What is the difference between tRNA and mRNA?

1 Answer
Jul 1, 2016

Transfer RNA carries amino acids to the ribosomes during formation of proteins, messenger RNA is 'read' during this protein-making process.


Transfer RNA is a curved RNA molecule with two important sites on it.
These are: The amino acid binding site, specific to only one (of the twenty-one) different amino acids floating inside a cell.
The anticodon site is the second area on the tRNA. It binds to and matches the 'codon' on the nearby messenger RNA.
**recall that a codon has 3 adjacent bases. Well, so does the transfer RNA's 'anticodon'.
So if the mRNA codon reads GCU then the tRNA's anticodon reads
(you got it) CGA.

Each transfer RNA floats in, drops an amino acid off on to the growing polypeptide chain, then leaves. Then another one comes in with its own distinct amino acid. This continues as long as the messenger RNA transcript is read by the ribosomal complex.

So, both mRNA and tRNA's are absolutely necessary for protein synthesis, or translation, to work.