What is the equation of a line perpendicular to the line #2x+y=8# and with the same y-intercept as the line #4y=x+3#?

1 Answer
Jun 25, 2016



Call line #L_1 :2x+y=8, L_2:4y=x+3,# & reqd. line #L.#

The slope #m# of #L_1,# written as #:y=-2x+8,# is #m=-2.#

Hence, slope #m'# of #L,# #L# being perp. to #L_1,# is #m'=-1/m=1/2.#

Y-intercept #c# of #L_2,# written as #:y=1/4x+3/4,# is #c=3/4.#

Using #m'# & #c# for #L#, we get #L : y=m'x+c,# i.e., #y=1/2x+3/4.#

Writing #L# in std. form, #L : 2x-4y+3=0.#