What is the funtion of the spinal cord?

1 Answer
Mar 20, 2018

See answers below:


The spinal cord has 3 main purposes:

  1. Sending electrical currents from the brain to the rest of the body. The brain is constantly sending commands to the rest of the body, but without the spinal cord, the body would have no receive them. So you could say that the spinal cord is the "delivery man" for the brain.

  2. Helping us to walk. From this article on spinalcord.com (yes, it's a real website!) they say, "This central pattern generators in the spinal cord are made up of neurons which send signals to the muscles in the legs, them extend or contract, and produce the alternating movements which occur when a person walks."

  3. Controlling reflexes. These are involuntary stimuli that are controlled in part by the spinal cord, along with the brain, nerves, and peripheral nervous system.

Hope this helps!