What is the length of EF⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯?

Triangle ABC is similar to triangle DEF . The length of AC⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯ is 12 cm. The length of BC⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯ is 18 cm. The length of DF⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯ is 10 cm.


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1 Answer
Jan 29, 2018

#EF = "15 cm"#


If #triangleABC" ~ "triangle DEF#

then #(AB)/(DE)=(AC)/(DF)=(BC)/(EF)#.

In other words, all pairs of corresponding sides share the same scale factor. As an example, if #triangleABC# was twice as big as #triangleDEF#, then #bar(AB)# would be twice as long as #bar(DE).# That is: #(AB)/(DE)=2.# This ratio must then hold true for all pairs of corresponding sides, i.e. #(AC)/(DF)=2,# and #(BC)/(EF)=2.#

When we don't know the scale factor for two similar triangles, we can figure it out by computing the ratio of two corresponding sides. In this question, we know #AC# corresponds to #DF#, so the scale factor for these two triangles is

#(AC)/(DF)=("12 cm")/("10 cm")=6/5.#

Thus, #triangle ABC# is #6/5# as big as #triangle DEF.# And this scale factor must hold for all other pairs of corresponding sides, so:


And since we know #BC="18 cm",# we can plug that in:

#("18 cm")/(EF)=6/5#

Cross multiply:

#"18 cm" xx 5 = EF xx 6#

#"90 cm"/6 = EF#

#"15 cm" = EF#

Thus, #EF = "15 cm"#.