What is the probability of rolling two even numbers in one roll of a pair of dice?

What is the probability of rolling two even numbers in one roll of a pair of dice?

1 Answer
May 9, 2018

#p_"two_even" = 1/4#


If the dice is fair, then the probability of each face is the same.
Each face has then

#p= 1/6#

probability of showing up.

As there are #3# even numbered faces and #3# odd number faces, the probability of one dice to show an even result is:

#p_"even" = 3p = 1/2#

As the outcome of the two dices is independent then the probability of two even number results is the product of the probabilities, then:

#p_"two_even" = 1/2*1/2 = 1/4#