What is the reflective line of symmetry for an inverse function?

1 Answer
Jun 7, 2017

The line #y=x#


Given the graph of a function, the graph of its inverse relation is given by reflecting it in the line #y=x#. This may or may not be an inverse function.

For example, consider the function #y = x^2#, which has graph like this:

graph{x^2 [-10, 10, -5, 5]}

Reflecting this graph in the line #y=x# we get this graph:

graph{(x-y^2) = 0 [-10, 10, -5, 5]}

This relfected graph fails the vertical line test - so is not a function. For example, the line #x=1# cuts the horizontal parabola at two points: #(1, 1)# and #(1, -1)#:

graph{(x-y^2)(x-1+0.0001y)((x-1)^2+(y-1)^2-0.002)((x-1)^2+(y+1)^2-0.002) = 0 [-5.583, 4.417, -2.36, 2.64]}

By way of contrast, consider the function #y = x^3#:

graph{x^3 [-5.583, 4.417, -2.36, 2.64]}

Reflecting this in the line #y=x# we get the graph of the function #y = root(3)(x)#

graph{(y^3-x) = 0 [-5.583, 4.417, -2.36, 2.64]}