What is the square root of 543?

1 Answer
May 1, 2018

#sqrt(543) ~~ 23.30236#


The prime factorisation of #543# is:

#543 = 3 * 181#

Since it has no square factors larger than #1#, the square root of #543# cannot be simplified.

It is an irrational number between #23 = sqrt(529)# and #24 = sqrt 576#.

Linearly interpolating, we can approximate:

#sqrt(543) ~~ 23+(543-529)/(576-529) = 23 14/47 ~~ 23.3#

For more accuracy, let #p_0/q_0 = 233/10# and iterate using the formulas:

#{(p_(i+1) = p_i^2+543 q_i^2),(q_(i+1) = 2p_iq_i) :}#


#{ (p_1 = p_0^2+543 q_0^2 = 233^2+543 * 10^2 = 54289+54300 = 108589), (q_1 = 2 p_0 q_0 = 2 * 233 * 10 = 4660) :}#

Just this one iteration is sufficient to get #7# (nearly #8#) significant digits:

#sqrt(543) ~~ p_1/q_1 = 108589/4660 ~~ 23.30236#

If we want more accuracy, just iterate again.


The exact repeating continued fraction for #sqrt(543)# is:

#543 = [23;bar(3,3,3,1,14,1,3,3,3,46)]#

from which it is possible to find the solution of Pell's equation:

#669337^2 = 543 * 28724^2 + 1#

which makes #sqrt(543) ~~ 669337/28724# a very efficient approximation.