What job did President George Washington appoint to Alexander Hamilton that put him in charge of finances?

1 Answer

Secretary of the Treasury


Alexander Hamilton was the first Secretary of the Treasury (among other jobs - check out the wikipedia link to see all of them). He held what might now be called an "industrialist/capitalist" viewpoint in creating a central bank, extending credit to the states, setting up trade relations (notably with Great Britain), setting up a tariff system, seeking to have the Federal government be robust and active, and overall seeking to develop a robust economy.

His chief rival, Thomas Jefferson, sought to keep government small and focus on agrarian efforts.

(It's no surprise that these two would lock horns - Hamilton was raised in a merchant family in New York while Jefferson was from Virginia and owned a large plantation. They were both Secretaries in George Washington's first government - Hamilton in the Treasure slot and Jefferson as Secretary of State).

