What occurred after the liberation of the death camps when people found out about the Holocaust?

1 Answer

Death Camps were located all over Europe and Asia, as well as Africa. Those Death Camps were all liberated at different points in time, so it was not until the end of the war that people discovered what had happened.


Some Death Camps were liberated before the people held captive could finish filling Mass Graves. Others were completely abandoned. Mass Graves were a common finding and evidence for the Holocaust, as well as eyewitness acounts from the people who were freed. Not only that, but there were Nazi's held captive as prisoners of war, who eventually confessed to the events of the Holocaust. As well as Mass Graves, many of the victims of the Holocaust were actually burned to an ash, which was scattered around the camps. In an attempt to flee the camps, Nazi's attempted to demolish the sites themselves, as well as where they burned the victim's bodies, and torture chambers. But in their hasty flee, they left many victims alive and many gas chambers still standing.