What part of speech does the diamante usually begin with ?

1 Answer

A noun


A diamante poem is a kind of poem where the rules of it bring about a diamond shape. They are 7 lines long:

#color(blue)("Line number") ->color(purple)("Number of words") ->color(brown)("Type of word")#

1 #color(white)(0000000000000000)#1 #color(white)(000000000000)#noun

2 #color(white)(0000000000000000)#2 #color(white)(0000000000)#adjective

3 #color(white)(0000000000000000)#3 #color(white)(000000000000)#verb

4 #color(white)(0000000000000000)#4 #color(white)(000000000000)#noun

5 #color(white)(0000000000000000)#3 #color(white)(000000000000)#verb

6 #color(white)(0000000000000000)#2 #color(white)(0000000000)#adjective

7 #color(white)(0000000000000000)#1 #color(white)(000000000000)#noun

Now - how to use this structure? There are two basic ways to use it - as a way to compare two synonyms (and so therefore known as a synonym diamante) and as a way to compare two antonyms (which is unsurprisingly called a antonym diamante).

The basic idea of how to fill in the words is to write down your two nouns, then brainstorm words associated with each of them (so for example, you could use milk and ice cream as synonyms and perhaps light and dark as antonyms).

There are a few examples in the link below - unfortunately the formatting tools at my disposal don't allow me to create the look I want for mine, but here's an example from someone else:

