What was the effect of the Immigration Act of 1990?

1 Answer
Jul 10, 2017

It introduced a new immigration sytem


Among other provisions, the 1990 Immigration Act instituted the Diversity Visa Lottery Program. Starting in 1991, every year the Attorney General, decides from information gathered over the most recent five year period the regions or country that are considered High Admission or Low Admission States.

A High Admission region or country is one that has had 50,000 immigrants or more acquire a permanent residency visa. The High Admission regions are not given visas under this act in order to promote diversity. There are 6 different regions: Africa; Asia; Europe; North America; Oceania; South America, Mexico, Central America, and the Caribbean. Visas are given to countries in these regions that do not meet the quota.

To qualify for this visa the immigrants must have a high school diploma or its equivalent. They must have at least 2 years of work experience along with 2 years of training at that job. The Secretary of State must keep track of the immigrants’ age, occupation, education, and what they consider important characteristics or information.

The Secretary of State issues visas to the immigrants who meet all these qualifications using random selection. The children and the spouses of the immigrants that are approved are also granted visas to obtain permanent residency. Displaced Tibetans were given 1,000 immigrant visas starting in 1991 for a 3 year period.
