What was the last major battle between white Americans and the Indians?

1 Answer
Dec 10, 2016

Wounded Knee, Dec 29th, 1890


If it can be called a battle at all. Twenty Medals of Honor were given out to members of the 7th Calvary.

A group of about 350 Lakota (men, women, and children) were intercepted by a patrol of the 7th Calvary. They were led to Wounded Knee Creek and told to camp. Further members of the 7th Calvary under General Miles came to the camp. They set up 4 artillery pieces. The next day the Calvary attempted to disarm the Lakota and shooting started. Up to 300 Lakota were killed and 25 Calvary were killed outright. Some of the Calvary may have been killed when the artillery opened fire the Calvary being mixed in closely with the Lakota.

There were other violent incidents around that time associated with forcing Natives back to there allotted reservation areas.

The event is still controversial, in 1990 Congress passed a resolution expressing regret at the incident.