What was the relationship between the samurai, bushido, seppuku, and the daimyo?

1 Answer
Apr 5, 2017

Japanese History, particularly of the Edo period but some parts existed prior to that.


Samurai= Japanese Warrior. Member of the highest caste during the Edo Period.

Bushido = Code developed during the Edo period to govern the behavior of Samurai. Roughly analogous to "chivalry" in Europe.

Seppuku = ritual suicide reserved for Samurai during this Era.

Daimyo = a feudal Lord that a Samurai has sworn loyalty to. Not all Samurai were attached to a Daimyo.

The Meiji Period put an an end to the high structured Edo Period.

James Clavell's "Shogun" is a bit of a tome but can be a entertaining read and is a novel about 1600s Japan. It is of course fiction but based on the time.
